He agreed to loan me money for my rent, but knowing of my gambling habit, he warned me not to gamble, but to pay my landlord immediately.
I emigrated when I was 20 and was all on my own in a foreign country, with a bad, bad gambling addiction. There was no one else I could ask for help. At one such occasion my rent was overdue and I asked a friend for a loan. It was horrible and I sometimes resorted to actions that I never though I was capable of. Addicted to the point where I was late on my rent and had literally nothing to eat on many occasions. I was completely addicted by my early twenties. I was 16 when I started playing slots (nobody bothered to check my age back then) and as soon as I turned 18 I started visiting casinos, playing roulette at first and then, later, black jack.
My gambling addiction goes back a couple of decades.